I live in Pimlico in Central London and a lot of my work until I retired and hobbies now take place in the City of London. Therefore I am used to a fast moving noisy world where I can walk to around fifty theatres, ten cinemas and over 100 restaurants from over forty different nationalities. I love this and would not change it, but it is nice every few weeks to have a total and utter contrast and this is why I bought a property in Spain.
When I go to Sucina, it is almost like entering a time warp where people in the street say hello to you – where the petroleum station has a man fill up the car. People all walk slowly like there is nothing to rush for. (True there are no apps to tell me how far away the nearest bus is because instead of having a dozen in the next ten minutes there are two a day!) Where the local shops go out of their way to help you and people in the village all know each other. I have walked for an hour overlooking miles of orange trees and only had one person pass in a car. I cannot imagine going more than 50 yards even through the night in London before meeting more. I can sit on my terrace and not hear a single thing except the birds. With an ipad I can continue working with no distractions.
I can just turn up anytime I want and just am immediately at home. I catch a late flight and immediately put East Enders on whilst I boil the kettle to make my brand of coffee or make a meal of my choice from the freezer.
I get away from the greyness rush and bustle and simply relax in the sun on my terrace or by my private pool almost all year round. And this entire large detached house and its large pool at around a fifth of the price of my two bedroom flat! So if you want night-life, excitement, noise and bustle and services do not come to Sucina, but if you want to totally chill this is the place for you. I defy anyone not to be able to relax there.