St-Brice-en-Coglès Information
- Nearest Airports:
- Rennes, Dinard
local walking spots |
walking spots within 20 miles |
local fishing spots |
fishing spots within 20 miles |
local beaches |
beaches within 20 minute drive |
beaches within one hour drive |
beaches within two hour drive
local super market |
local butchers |
local bakery |
local clothes shops |
has a large choice of shops and super markets |
super markets and shops within a 10 minutes drive |
super markets and shops within a 20 minutes drive |
local cafes
local doctors surgery |
local hospital |
local pharmacy |
local dentist
local nursery school |
local schools
bank |
post office |
cash machine |
post office |
petrol station |
garden centre |
hardware store
international travel:
international airport within 30 minutes drive |
international airport within one hours drive |
international airport within 90 minutes drive |
international airport within two hours drive |
ferry port within one hours drive |
ferry port within two hours drive |
local airport served by year round low cost airlines